The winners of the 3rd Budapest Debut Film Forum

The third edition of the Budapest Film Forum (BDFF) was not only dedicated to first feature films in development but for the first time, series projects were also in the lineup. Three projects received a total of four awards at the closing pitching session.

The aim of the Budapest Debut Film Forum, held between March 30 and April 1 2022, is to provide a platform for debut feature filmmakers and producers to showcase their projects. Moreover, the forum offers an opportunity for these emerging talents to network and exchange ideas with fellow European filmmaker peers (primarily from the Visegrad region) as well as receive valuable professional feedback and support from international experts.

The professional programs of the three-day event consisted of various case studies and panel discussions focusing on coproduction opportunities, film marketing, as well as giving an insight to the making of the Hungarian HBO series The Informant (A besúgó). Among the invited professionals were Ada Solomon (Golden Palm and Golden Bear winning producer), Boris Pugnet (French marketing consultant), Marcin Łuczaj (New Europe Film Sales acquisitions), Klaudia Smieja-Rostworowska (EFA and Un Certain Regard-winning producer), Jakub Viktorín (winner of the first BDFF). 

In addition, two episodes of The Informant were screened ahead of its premiere, within the frames of a special presentation held by Anna Závorszky (executive producer for HBO) and Viktória Petrányi (Proton Cinema).

At the closing pitching session, three projects were rewarded, receiving a total of four awards. Director Anna Gyimesi and producer Ábel Kocsó’s Bearwoman received two prizes: The Midpoint’s Feature Launch Consultation Award and the Pop Up Film Residency Visegrad Award.

The development award for most promising feature film project went to the Hungarian-German coproduction The Origin of the World by director Borbála Nagy and producer Margarita Amineva. Slovakian director Anastasia R. Hoppanova and producer Lukáš Teren received the most promising first series award for their project Killswitch.

Borbála Nagy and producer Margarita Amineva
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